'The power of visual spectacle was more important to Venice than any other European city,' wrote Peter Ackroyd in his Venice: Pure City and it's still be true today.
Ten days before Shrove Tuesday: Carnevale.
Late Feb-early April: Veneto Jazz
Sunday in late March or April: Su e Zo Per i Ponti ('Up and Down the Bridges') charity walk
25 April: Feast day of St Mark, with a Mass in the Basilica and then a gondola regatta between Sant' Elena and the Punta della Dogana
Ascension Day (40 days after Easter): Festa e Regata della Sensa.
Late June, ending on the 29th: Festa di San Pietro
Sunday in May or early June: Vogalonga
Third weekend in July: Festa del Redentore
June-November: Biennale d’Arte Contemporanea (odd-numbered years) or Architettura (even numbered years)
Late August-Early September: Venice Film Festival
First Sunday in September: Regata Storica
11 November: St Martin's Day
Image by ezioman, Creative Commons