There are many, many kinds available in France, including some unusual ones.
Cramaillotte: Also known as miel de pissenlit. Made by bees in Burgundy from wild dandelions and said to be good for sore throats.
Miel d’abeille: Bee honey. Just to make sure you know it’s notMiellat—the strong-flavoured honeydew or forest honey, which is basically aphid poo.
Miel d’acacia: From the false acacia or black locust tree. This is one of the most common, a mild honey that children like, produced mainly in Burgundy and the Rhône valley.
Miel d'arbousier: see arbouse
Miel d’aubépine: hawthorn honey, light and good in poultry dishes
Miel de bourdaine: glossy buckthorn, a rare honey from Aquitaine. Usually part of a ‘toutes fleurs’ honey
Images by Dana Facaros, Véronique PAGNIER