There are numerous flours to choose from in France. There’s the usual white flour here the higher the T number, the more of the whole grain it contains. The labels on other flour bags tell you what they are for (bread, crêpes, cakes, pizza etc); for the bigger numbers beyond T65 you’ll probably have to go to a health food shop.
T45: the whitest flour, for pastries and cakes
T45 renforcée: for viennoiserie
T55: flour for white bread, brioche and most other uses
T65: for pain de campagne
T80: light wholewheat flour; also known as farine bise for making brown bread (pain bis or pain gris, or pain de campagne)
T110: farine semi-complète wholewheat, used pain semi-complète
Images by Dana Facaros, Frédéric BISSON