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puff pastry, profiteroles and cream

St. Honoré cake with chocolate from "Au Croquant" bakery in Belgium

The 6th-century saint Honoratus, Bishop of Amiens, is the patron of bakers, an honour given him after his old nursemaid was told of his election to the bishopric while baking bread: ‘Ha!’ she remarked. ‘I’ll believe that when my baking peel sprouts roots and grows into a tree.’

Which of course her peel duly did, making it the item that St Honouratus often holds in images of the saint.

Moulin de la Providence (Le Croisic), statue de saint Honoré, saint patron des boulangers

The cake invented in his honour has a puff pastry base, with profiteroles stuck to the side with melted sugar, filled with crème chiboust and topped with more of the same. Bakeries often make small individual pastries, too.



Text © Dana Facaros

Images by Jibi44, Trougnouf