Every country has its own way of butchering. This chart may help you know what’s what at a French boucherie (the lighter the colour on the diagram, the choicer the cut).
Basses côtes: silverside or chuck steak
Côtes, entrecôtes: rib steak
Faux-filet: similar to sirloin
Filet: fillet, a quality beefsteak. The filet mignon (tournedos) is taken from the tip of the filet.
Rumsteck: rumpsteak
Rond de gîte: lean muscle, topside, or round in the USA; used for roast beef
Tende de tranche, poire, merlan: lean pieces. The tende de trache is good for roasting; poire and merlan are good for fondue or cooking in a wok.
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