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Ca' Rezzonico

Museo del Settecento

Ca' Venramin-Calergi

This is the palace that Baldassare Longhena designed for the Bon family in 1649, but was still incomplete in 1682 when Longhena and his client died. In 1751, the Rezzonico family (financiers originally from Lombardy) bought the unfinished palace and commissioned Giorgio Massari to complete the works; by 1756 the building was complete. Massari followed Longhena's plan for the majestic Grand Canal facade, but added his own bits, including the land facade, grand ballroom and stair. Two years later, the brother of the Massari's Rezzonico patron was elected Pope Clement XIII, leading to the family's golden age.

In the early 19th century, however, the family died off, and its furnishings were sold off, while the palace frequently exchanged owners. One was Robert Barrett 'Pen' Browning; in 1889, his father Robert Browning died while visiting.

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Text © Dana Facaros & Michael Pauls

Images by Dana Facaros and Michael Pauls, PD Art