This section basically includes famous Venetians who played important parts in the city... but weren’t Artists, Sculptors, Architects, Writers or Musicians.
Publisher, Humanist and Scholar
from 697—1797
With some well known palazzi
The blonde in the gondola
The beauty of diplomacy
Venice's secular saint
Home of the discoverer of the Cape Verde islands
Original entrance to the Grand Canal
Polymath, lover and the greatest diarist of the 18th century
The Condottiere from Bergamo
Queen of Cyprus
Venice's last Grand Admiral
A patrician executed for love
Venice's famous map-making monk
A death in Venice
Pure delight
The prodigy of Venice
Teller of a 'million' tales
Big business back in the day
Hero of the only known opera dedicated to dried fish
A couple of locals, and some stories
The church of Mozart's librettist
Venice's great rebel priest
18th-century British consul, collector and patron of Canaletto
Once home of the Cabots
Carlo the hero, and two who might have gone to America
Image by Francesco Guardi