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Genziana is a traditional liqueur of Abruzzo distilled (both at home and commercially) from roots of Gentiana lutea, the great yellow gentian that grows in the Apennines. It was prized by the ancient Greeks and Romans who believed it was a cure for fever and intestinal worms. Today it's used in skin care and to fortify the immune system.

DAM1836 - Genziana gialla maggiore

Because it's a protected species, only pieces of the root are taken so the plant doesn't die. The taste is very bitter, but tonic. The recipe include lemon zest in the alcohol, and then a sugar syrup after the roots have macerated for two weeks.



Text © Dana Facaros & Michael Pauls

Images by Damiano Pappadà Thanks for over 1.500.000 views, neveapennino