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paté sausage

Sometimes spelled ciaùscolo, ciavuscolo or ciabuscolo, ciauscolo (derived from the Latin cibusculum, or 'little food') is a salame made from finely ground pork shoulder and belly, flavoured with garlic, pepper, salt, fennel and grated orange peel, and left to dry briefly before being cold-smoked over juniper for two days. Generally eaten very fresh, it is so moist it can be either sliced or spread on bread like paté.

There are several variations: ciavuscolo dell'Ascolano from Ascoli Piceno is lean and compact, while ciavuscolo del Maceratese is softer and fatter and easier to spread. A speciality of the Monti Sibillini and Norcia in Umbria as well. Designated PAT.

Antipasti & Snacks

Cured Meats and Sausages

DOP (PDO) products and acronyms

Le Marche


Text © Dana Facaros & Michael Pauls

Image by piceno24