Italy is the world's top producer of uve or grapes. Most are for wine, but the country can also claim to be the top producer of table grapes as well, growing both European and Californian varieties. Most come from the south, mainly Puglia (65%) and Sicily. Some varieties of table grapes (and non-grapes) that you may run into include:
uva Apulia Rose: new seedless red variety developed in Puglia, with a long shelf life, rich in antioxidants.
uva Autumn Royal: cylindrical seedless red grapes, harvested from September-November.
uva Big Perlon: seedless dark purple variety, very compact, available from late July-November.
uva Black Magic: precocious dark red table grapes (early July-September).
uva Centennial Seedless: seedless white grape, originally from California (late July-mid September)
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