Italians aren't that crazy about egg dishes; outside of the national anything-goes frittata, most of the national production gets turned into fresh pasta or cakes.
The plural, unusually, is uova; some popular dishes or other egg words include:
uova affogata, or in camicia: poached. In Piedmont, you may find uovo in camicia con fonduta—a poached egg on a truffled Fontina fondue.
uova con l'aglio: hard boiled eggs topped with a sauce made with anchovies, capers, garlic vinegar and olive oil (Tuscany)
uova bazzotte: boiled and then plunged in cold water, in between soft and hard boiled.
uova al cirighet: fried eggs topped with a sauce made of anchovies, lemon juice, olive oil, vinegar, garlic, parsley, sage, capers, and spagnolino chilis.
Image by Ritesh Man Tamrakar