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stamped pasta discs

Corzetti (or croxetti) one of the prettiest forms of pasta—they look like pale golden coins—have been made in eastern Liguria since the 13th century; the name means 'little crosses' and the first ones may have been introduced by Genoese crusaders who marked them with the symbol of their faith; later, each noble family would stamp the discs with their coat of arms.

Corzetti are a rich pasta made with plenty of egg yolks, but also warm white wine, and marjoram. They can be served with green or white pesto, tocco or most authentically of all, crema di pinoli e maggiorana (ground pine nuts, olive oil, milk, garlic and fresh marjoram).

The carved wooden stamps are family heirlooms; wood carvers Franco Casoni in Chiavari and Pietro Picetti in Varese Ligure still make them. The design helps to keep the sauce on the pasta, although the intricate designs lose their details when you boil them.

You may also see crozetti, corzeti, croseti, crosetti or cruxettu.


Pasta Shapes and Dishes

Text © Dana Facaros & Michael Pauls

Image by Fugzu