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air dried salt beef

Bresaola or brisaola (from the Italian word for 'braised') is made from the lean top round of beef, cured with salt, juniper berries and spices, and then air dried for two to three months.

It's always served as an antipasto, sliced paper thin, or in a salad (similar to carpaccio) with rocket, shaved parmesan and olive oil with a squirt of lemon or balsamic vinegar. Bresaola produced in Lombardy's Valtellina where it originated has IGP status. Lombards also likes to make mousse di bresaola: chopped bresaola mixed with ricotta, olive oil and lemon zest and spread on bread.

Bresaola can also be smoked (bresaola affumicata) is also made with venison, donkey and horse meat.

Cured Meats and Sausages

DOP (PDO) products and acronyms


Text © Dana Facaros & Michael Pauls

Image by snowpea&bokchoi