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'little bundles'

fabottelli alla carbonara

fagottelli and fagottini are used for many kind of little bundles. They can be small, square fruit or vegetable tarts, or a number of stuffed pasta shapes, or something like involtini, or something like sofficini.

fagottelli carbonara: a popular new dish, like carbonara except with the cheese and egg inside the pasta

fagottelli siciliani or fagottini di melanzane: a kind of aubergine involtini, made of thin slices of aubergine rolled up around ham, basil and cheese, then baked with a little tomato sauce and parmigiano.

fagottelli di pollo: chicken thighs stuffed with cheese and rosemary

fagottelli di trippa: tripes stuffed with pecorino, in a tomato sauce (Campania)

Fagottini can also be:

-pastry tarts, sweet or savoury,

-dumplings, especially Chinese-style filled dumplings

-stuffed crepes (crespelle) with ham, salmon, leeks, cheese, pancetta, etc.

-stuffed bread rolls

-filled pasta fagottini, folded up a bit like a hobo's sack; usually they are filled with mozzarella and ricotta.


Text © Dana Facaros & Michael Pauls

Image by witaly