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moretta fanese

Fano's three layered corrected coffee

Caffè corretto from Fano, served in a glass to show off its three distinct layers, made with rum, brandy (or cognac) and anice, sugar, lemon zest and coffee.

The recipe evolved over the decades in Fano's Caffè Cavour and reached perfection in the 1950s, with the invention of the modern Italian coffee machine: the secret is to use steam from the machine to blend the three alcohols with sugar and a bit of lemon. On this transparent deep golden base, the barista will add a piping hot espresso (the second layer) with its tell tale foam of goodness (the third layer).

The name is said to derive from old bottles of rum that featured a dark-skinned girl (la 'Moretta') on the label.


Le Marche

Text © Dana Facaros & Michael Pauls

Image by ilmarchigianodoc