In Italy they're fond of cauliflower, and it comes in the national colours; besides the usual cavolfiore bianco, they also grow cavolfiore verde and cavolfiore rosso, or spell it cavalfiore.
The geometrically magical broccolo romanesco, or cavolo romano, is really a cauliflower too, and you will sometimes hear it called cavolfiore romano or cavolo verde or cavolo cimoso.
Cauliflower is a favourite in soups, sottaceti, or gratineed in the oven.
cavolfiore alla napoletana: with pine nuts and raisins
cavolfiore ubriaco: cioffa 'mbriica in Abbruzzese dialect, or 'drunken cauliflower', cooked in white wine and pepper flakes.
cavolfiore in pastella: fried in batter
Image by Greenme