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a dish with fresh vegetables

Alla primavera or 'Spring style' means a dish using fresh vegetables.

risotto alla primavera: with fresh asparagus and peas

spaghetti alla primavera: this is usually with fresh tomatoes and basil.

In New York, pasta primavera was invented by Sirio Maccioni of the Restaurant Le Cirque in 1975 while cooking for a group of foodies on Prince Edward Island in Canada. Not having enough tomatoes and basil on hand, he used everything he could find in the fridge. The dish's fame increased in 1977 with Craig Claiborne and Pierre Franey's recipe in the New York Times, and it remained one of the signature dishes at the restaurant, prepared table side with asparagus, peas, snow peas, zucchini, tomatoes sautéed in garlic and oil, green beans, mushrooms, toasted pine nuts, parsley and garlic, butter, cream and Parmesan.


Text © Dana Facaros & Michael Pauls

Image by Jeremy Keith, Creative Commons License