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Every region of Italy has its own breads (one survey has counted some 350 types), and some are better at it than others.

Some other breads from around Italy include:

pane altoatesino: Various kinds of rye bread from Alto Adige, including Schüttelbrot and Zelten.

pane cafone: traditional country bread that doesn't require kneading and left to slow rise throughout the night and similar to sour dough made with farina 0. Made in Campania and the rest of southern Italy.

pane giallo: 'yellow' bread, made from a mix of wheat and corn flour. is common in the corn-growing regions of Italy, notably Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna.

pane grezzo: old fashioned Tuscan bread, made with a rye-based liquid yeast

pane guttiau: pane carasau brushed with olive oil and sprinkled with salt (Sardinia).

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Valle d'Aosta

Text © Dana Facaros & Michael Pauls

Image by Nicola