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Friulian ravioli

Cjalzons have been compared to pierogis, and come with a wide variety of sweet or savoury fillings, including potato and cheese (smoked ricotta is a favourite). They are boiled in water or broth, and topped with butter and parsley or ont.

True to their Mittel-european origins, their fillings often combine sweet and savoury flavours unusual in the rest of Italy, including the famous cialzons from Carnia, otherwise known as agnolotti carnici. Cialzons di paularo are filled with cookie crumbs, candied fruit, onions, rum, raisins, chocolate, apricot jam, orange and lemon zest, and topped with smoked ricotta, butter, cinnamon and sugar.

Also spelled cialzons, cjarsons or cialsons. In the Val Resia they are called calcüne and usually filled with herbs.

Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Pasta Shapes and Dishes

Text © Dana Facaros & Michael Pauls

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