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cod, among others

The merluzzo is either a spy or a master criminal. It has more identities and more passports than Joel Cairo.

Most often, the merluzzo, sometimes called merluzzo bianco, is the Atlantic cod, which appears as stoccafisso or baccalà, or fresh.

Another merluzzo, also known as nasello for it's big pointy schnoz, is the European hake

The merluzzo also known as merluzzo bianco or merluzzo francese, is the pout, or pout whiting, or bib.

The merluzzo giallo is a pollock.

Merluzzo nero or merluzzo carbonaro is the coalfish.

And last but not least there's the merluzzo imperiale, or royal flagfin, or yellowfin aulopus.

They're all delicious. Well-known dishes include:

merluzzo alla livornese, cooked with olives, capers, garlic and a little tomato

merluzzo alla ligure, fillets with cherry tomatoes, courgettes, olives and white wine

merluzzo alla mugnaia, fried fillets with lemon and parsley

merluzzo al cartoccio, baked in paper or foil, usually with tomato and olives

Fish & Seafood

Text © Dana Facaros & Michael Pauls

Image by agraria