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Silver puffer (Lagocephalus sceleratus), Rao west of Morotai in Indonesia

Lagocephalus sceleratus is the silver-cheeked toadfish or rabbit fish (for the shape of its mouth, although that’s also used as a name for the non poisonous germanós). But those teeth can bite off a finger and eating it can kill you with the tetrodotoxin in its ovaries and skin, and it has no antidote.

This highly poisonous cousin of the puffer fish is one of the 90 invasive species from the Indian Ocean that entered the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal—it was first recorded in 2003 and has since been spotted everywhere in the sea. It breeds ‘like rabbits’ and devours native species, but unlike the leontopsaro you should never try to eat it.

Fish and Seafood

Text © Dana Facaros

Image by Rickard Zerpe