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Cuts of Meat

Useful words at the butcher's

As in other countries, some cuts of meat have different names in different parts of Greece, and others cut meat differently (Greek butchers tend to use French styles). For a very detailed Greek and English list of every possible cut of beef, see Stelma Meats.

Beef (μοσχάρι or vodino)

Breast/Brisket: στήθος (stithos)

Blade: χτένι σπάλας (chteni spalas)

Bone: κόκκαλο (kokalo)

Carcass: σφάγιο (sfagio)

Cheeks: μάγουλα (magoula)

Chuck: λαιμός (limos); σπαλομήτα (spalouda) or βασιλοπούλα (vasilopoula), literally 'the Princess' is the most tender bit. Ελία (Elia, literally 'olive' is the most tender bit, said to be the best for beef giovetsi).

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Meats and poultry

Text © Dana Facaros

Images by agiro,