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Tome de Bray

cow’s milk cheese from Bray

Un canté' de tome de Bray

Famous for Neufchâtel, Normandy’s Bray region produces several rich milk farm cheeses. The tome de Bray (one of those rare one ‘M’ tommes) is aged for at least ten weeks and has a nice creamy rustic quality that goes nicely with salads.

The flat square Carré de Bray, aged for only two weeks, is one you often see in Paris. Underneath its bloomy rind, the texture is soft and slightly grainy, with mushroomy aromas.

The Meule de Bray is a fruity firm cheese aged for at least six months (meule means a grinding wheel, or wheel of cheese).

Saint Bray, also made in a wheel and aged for at least six weeks, is a soft, aromatic cheese, good for making a Norman raclette.

Cheese and dairy


Text © Dana Facaros

Image by Stardsen