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very thin pastry

Feuilles de brick

When a French recipe wants you to wrap something up in a brick, it doesn’t mean go to the building yard; it means go to a store’s refrigerated ready-made pastry section and pick up a packet of these very thin, light pastry sheets (feuilles), made of flour, water and vegetable oil that originated in Tunisia. Also spelled brik.

They are as thin as Greek filo pastry (which is usually sold right next to the bricks), but stiffer.

Bricks crisp up easily when deep fried or baked, and are used for both sweet or savoury dishes; the French like to use them to wrap samosas and aumônières—little pouches that resemble money bags filled with something delicious, which are often served as amuses-bouches.

Bread, pancakes, etc

Text © Dana Facaros

Image by Weez