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stew in a sauce made with the stock

Frikassee ganz nah

A fricassée is any kind of meat (chicken, rabbit and veal are most popular) cut into chunks and fried in butter until brown, then braised with vegetables in stock or sauce (often one that includes thickened egg yolks), and served on rice.

The word is derived from frire (to fry) and casser (to break in pieces) and dates from one of the earliest French cookery books, Le Viandier, circa 1300.

The most famous is the fricassée de Limoux or fricassée de porc de Limoux made with pork, pork liver, ham, white beans, garlic, onions, tomatoes, white wine and herbs—in other words a lot like cassoulet.

Fricot is another word for a fricassée or ragout or any dish made quickly.

Soups, stews and casseroles

Text © Dana Facaros

Image by CocktailStevee