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soft cheese sold in its own little mould

faiselle Resto de la gare de Bonnieux

Made of raw sheep, cow or goat’s milk, this fresh white cheese is the closest French equivalent to cottage cheese, strained and sold in a small mould called a faisselle. It’s a style of cheese making that goes back at least to the Bronze Age—if not earlier.

Formatgera de ceràmica feta a mà, edat del Bronze, mitjans del segon mil·leni abans de la nostra era. Procedeix de la Cova del Montgó, Museu Soler Blasco de Xàbia.

Faisselle can be eaten with savoury dishes (people like it with chives or piment d’Espelette) or as dessert with sugar, fruit compôte etc, or used for making a gâteau à la faisselle—a French cheesecake.

Cheese and dairy

Text © Dana Facaros

Images by Joanbanjo, Marianne Casamance