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Bavarian cream dessert


A popular chilled dessert, believed to have been invented by the great chef Marie-Antoine Carême, who may have named it in honour of a visiting Bavarian dignity, although no one seems to remember which one.

To make it, crème anglaise is combined with gelatine, flavoured with fruit, coffee, chocolate etc and whipped cream, chilled in a mould, then turned out onto a dish or a layer of génoise.

bavarois aux framboises

Bavarois aux fraises, bavarois aux framboises, bavarois aux fruits rouges are popular versions, made with fresh strawberries/raspberries/fruits rouges, forming a sweet red mousse and topped with a shiny miroir made with fruit, sugar and gelatine.


Text © Dana Facaros

Images by Mika andrew, paella P