Depending on where you are in the south of France, this fond country custom is called faire chabrot, fà chabroù, chabrol, goudale or godaille. When you’ve almost finished your tourin or garbure or other soup served in a calotte, a rimless soup plate or bowl (otherwise you make a big mess), it’s customary to mix the dregs of the soup with a splash of wine and drink it directly from the bowl.
The combination of wine with warm soup is strangely satisfying, even if the word in its various forms seems to be derived from gulping or drinking like a goat.
The rule was that you poured in enough wine to cover the spoon at the bottom. It was noted that the amount always increased if one was a guest and it was someone else’s wine.
People still do it in traditional restaurants and ferme auberges if they feel like it. And dance to the Faire Chabrot song.
Images by PD art, Véronique PAGNIER