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fish words

what’s what at the fishmongers

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à la grenobloise: fish topped with croûtons fried in butter, with capers and lemon, often used for preparing ray

arête: bone; sans arêtes: boned

crustacés: shellfish

darnes: steaks

decortiqué: peeled or shelled

dos: fillet, as in dos de cabillaud

écaillé: descaled

filet: fillet or filet

frais: fresh

fumé: smoked

joues: cheeks; joues de merlu hake cheeks are especially prized.

ligne: ‘de ligne’ means a fish was caught on a line

longe: loin, as in longe de thon, the best bit of albacore tuna

poisson d’eau douce: freshwater fish

poisson de mer: saltwater fish

préparé: cleaned

queue: tail

rôti à l’arête: cooked with its bones (as in the classic turbot rôti à l’arête, tronçons of turbot fried in butter, then topped with sautéed endives and snow peas, seasoned with balsamic vinegar and lemon juice)

sans peau: skinned

surgelé: frozen

tranche: slice

tronçon: a section of a big fish

vider: to gut, clean

Fish and seafood

Text © Dana Facaros

Image by Jacob Matham