Almonds grow everywhere in France, but mostly in the south, where the winters are mild, and then more for their pretty blossoms in early spring; most of the nuts come from abroad. And the French use a lot of them, notablu in pâtisserie.
amande amère: bitter (wild) almond, the ones that give us cyanide.
amande amère d’abricot: the apricot kernel (laetril), which resemble almonds and also contain cyanide
amandes concassées: crushed almonds
amandes décortiquées: shelled almonds
amande douce: sweet almond (cultivated ones)
amandes effiléss: slivered almonds
amandes en poudre: powdered almonds
amandes émondées: blanched almonds
amandes fumées: smoked almonds
pâte d'amande: almond paste
Image by Vmenkov, Creative Commons License